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There are a number of reports trying to source the origin of the Coronavirus which seems to have started at the Wuhan sea food market in around November 2019 in China.
There are those saying it is a punishment from God.
Other claims label it as an act of germ warfare.
There is a laboratory next to the Wuhan market which could have leaked a virus.
One of the aspects of creating a cure is to know what we are dealing with. As an asthmatic, I am offered the flu shot each year and I refuse to have it. The first and only time I had it left me ill with the flu for two weeks. I'd rather take my chances. The main reason for panic over Coronavirus or Covid-19 is that it is so new we don't know what to do to protect people who are likely to die or become severely ill from it. At least with influenza we have a vaccine.
The point is, I am offered the vaccine each Winter because the flu virus mutates every year. From what I understand, there are three 'dead' versions in the vaccine - each year it is different. A natural virus will mutate. Maybe a genetically engineered virus would also mutate, maybe it would not have enough natural adaptive abilities to do so.
Throughout history there have been a number of plagues, sometimes killing millions. From the Black Death to Cholera, they spread quickly and the more we travel, the more they spread.
Sometimes we dig up things that we probably shouldn't. Maybe infection lies among them. We don't know, for example, why some mummies were buried deep in Egypt with no inscription on the lid of the sarcophagus. Were they murdered? Were they sick with something so awful they had to be buried quickly and how long can the illness live for? Were they being hidden to protect them or to erase them and will we ever know?
Three mummies found in large stone sarcophagus.
Black Sarcophagus found, Egyptologists warned not to open it
The two above articles are about the same black marble extra large coffin/sarcophagus, the mummies were found within a puddle of red liquid.
Meanwhile, in China, bats are being blamed for the new Coronavirus. If bats were to blame or not, maybe it will stop people from eating them- there were some videos circulating that I will not link here, of people eating entire, whole (dead) bats in a bowl of 'soup'. Asia has horrified the West many times for the variety of meats that are eaten, such as dogs and live sea creatures, along with the different TCM (traditional Chinese medicines) such as near-extinct tiger parts.
I would not be surprised if someone planted Covid-19 at the Wuhan market on purpose in order to draw worldwide attention to the disgusting conditions and the unimaginable suffering at that place. People being people, within six months if possible I'm sure it would reopen. Hopefully it will be demolished. Looking at the news reports and the kinds of animals being sold there, I would not be at all surprised if the new virus did indeed start off from bats or other creatures in the cages and spilled blood.
Did Coronavirus start in a Chinese Laboratory?
There's only one microbiology lab in China- and it's in Wuhan
China will admit virus coming from lab
Of course other countries have tried to accuse rival or powerful nations of 'creating' the virus, thankfully this is thus far not a headliner.
So called climate-change (that I don't believe in) has brought a number of interesting possiblities to light.
Virus found in Siberian Ice
Deadly diseases being released as ice thaws
Five deadly diseases emerging from global warming
I think the media like to shock us and make us panic, which is partly why there is so much hoarding going on. People are expecting an end-of-world scenario. I honestly think this is because their lives are not being enriched by healthy hobbies or foods or jobs.
If I were asked to place the blame upon where Coronavirus began, I'd probably say one of three things; initially I wondered if China were being attacked, they have a great deal of trade which is now terribly disrupted. Secondly there IS a laboratory specialising in the most dangerous diseases in actual Wuhan- accidents happen. For that simple fact, there should be no such labs or research facilities anywhere near human habitation.
Thirdly, if anyone of recent relevance could be accused of planting a virus, under all of the circumstances I'd blame the Extinction Rebellion cult. I have already called them idiots and wondered if their movement were a sales pitch. They have so many reasons to do something this stupid in a desperate attempt to halt the climate change they believe in.
Extinction Rebellion apologies for asking people to self isolate in trees
If the opportunity arose, I'd accuse them directly. They have caused disruption globally and continue to do so. They don't care. Whether they created or planted the virus themselves, they will have to self isolate along with the rest of us. During this time there may be a little less pollution but the number of face masks, tests, medical items and extra products being sold, made, horaded and wasted is not doing anything to improve pollution.
As Agent Smith said in The Matrix;
'I'd like to share a revelation I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with their surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to another area, and you multiply, and you multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You are a plague, and we are the cure.'
Virus patterns studied at Oxford University:
Cells do not grow on their own, so must be cultured in a laboratory before they can be analysed
Blog Post the opinion of Volk B, United Kingdom, 2020
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