Spring Colours for Artists from a Nature Walk

First daffodils of the year up North
Amid the CoronaPanic, aka the various aspects of a lockdown that we are about to face here in the UK, I am so glad that I went for a nature walk yesterday. This is a brief blog to show some photographs I took on my mobile. The dominant colours are greens, emerald, turquoise, brown, tan, grey, vibrant yellow and white.

If I'm forced into self-isolation regarding Covid-19, I may use these images to create some art to help stave off insanity and to get my family motivated. Hopefully we will still be able to go out for walks or into the garden. 

The following were taken on my Nokia Lumia phone, please use them in any of your own art or for inspiration at this time, especially if you are indoors for 12 weeks.

Blessed Be.

Volk B - United Kingdom

20th March 2020
