Water, they say, is the reason for life on Earth, but so is light and the ambient temperature range. The human body is said to contain an average of 60% water, we need it, we are made of it. Problem is that most water is contaminated. In the UK, various 'cleaning agents' are added to the water to make it safe for household use and safe for drinking.
Here's a thought- anyone who has kept fish in a tank will know how important it is to use a water treatment. The fish become ill when placed directly into 'chemical-flavoured' water. Many years ago I had a goldfish who kept jumping out of the tank. Experiments taught me the correct amount and variety of water treatments to use that made the water safe for Bob to live in. He would often become ill with various fungal and rot infections, when I used plastic plants he was fine, real water plants seemed to cause problems, maybe they were carrying disease, maybe they were reacting with the chemical wedding present within the tank. My point is, if all this fuss is required for a goldfish, what is the water doing to the human body?
I've had a difficult time with tap water over the past twenty years. At one location it would make me vomit unless I boiled it first, this may have been my health or the water system at that property. At other places I've found that if I drink a lot of tap water, even boiled to make tea, I have headaches and slightly disturbed sleep. This includes caffeine-free herbal teas. Maybe it's just me. I have allergies, things like coffee and dairy make me ill.
In other countries we are advised to drink bottled water. If pollution increases, this will become the case in the UK as well, I believe it's already starting now. There is a fuss about climate change - we should be looking at our most basic needs and protecting those.
News report about dangerous toxins and parasites in UK water.
BBC report about female hormones in UK water, potentially damaging male fertility
Detergents polluting water; fairy liquid
UK rivers found to contain traces of 29 pharmaceutical drugs
Other than chemiclas in the water, a major issue is the bacteria and organisms living there.
See what lives in rainwater by creating a closed ecosphere
Saltwater in a jar for a year, what lives in sea water?
Freshwater aquarium, what lives in pondwater?
All of this is enough to make some people want to boil and treat water as much as possible, yet there are creatures resistant to the water treatments and 'superbugs' have evolved.
Elders in spiritual communities tell us that water is alive. They say to talk to it, to connect with it.
Dr. Masaru Emoto research about water consciousness
Dr Masaru became interested in water crystals while discussing snowflakes. The snowflake is formed by the elements it is made from- so why is every one so different? He began years of study to discover what makes each one unique. By taking jars of distilled water and labelling each one with a word or phrase, a name of a religion, an emotion and so on, it was found that once frozen, the water crystals would be perfect and beautiful when exposed to love and peace, but they would be damaged and malformed when exposed to hate and conflict.
This makes me wonder if the water was responding to the words, or to the emotion of those who were conducting the experiments. Water blessed by a holy man formed a perfect crystal. What if the water is taking on all of our emotions and experiences, then over the winter period, it is brought back to us with a skyfall of snow? In the warmer seasons, the rain could be holding all of this emotion and putting it back to the Earth.
Video of the ice crystal images, Dr. Matsuru Emoto
Cryomancy is a form of divination using ice. There is little information available online, maybe because ice is usually seasonal. Holy water, or blessed water is used world-wide - if water is so affected by words and energy, maybe we should be drinking the water kept on our alters.
Image found via Ecosia search engine.
Text, Volk B 2019
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